This conclusion that there is something wrong with variable parsing is
incorrect because the variable parsing is quite generic.

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:50 PM, PePe Amengual <>wrote:

> Here is the info:
> I'm trying to send a json object to akamai with the uri module but it
> fails saying that is not a valid json object but the debug message shows in
> the right format.
> here is the requeriments from akamai :
> Any ideas whi uri module changes from double quotes to single quotes ?
> Thanks.
> [playbook:
> ---
> - hosts: localhost
>   connection: local
>   gather_facts: False
>   tasks:
>    - set_fact:
>       urls: '{"objects":[{{urllist}}]}'
>    - debug: var=urls
>    - name: Flushing Akamai cache
>      action: uri url=
>              method=POST user=aaaa password=aaa
>              HEADER_Content-Type="application/json"
>              body='{{urls}}'
>              status_code=201
>              return_content=yes
>      register: akamairesponse
> cat args.yml
> urllist: '"http://url/file/pepe.png","http://url/file/pepe.png",";
> http://url/file/pepe.png","http://url/file/pepe.png";'
> [jamengual@pepe ~]$ ansible-playbook -vvv -i /etc/ansible/hosts
> /home/jamengual/akamai.yml -e @args.yml
> PLAY [localhost]
> **************************************************************
> TASK: [set_fact ]
> *************************************************************
> ok: [localhost] => {"ansible_facts": {"urls": {"objects": ["
> http://url/file/pepe.png";, "http://url/file/pepe.png";, "
> http://url/file/pepe.png";, "http://url/file/pepe.png"]}}}
> TASK: [debug var=urls]
> ********************************************************
> ok: [localhost] => {
>     "urls": {
>         "objects": [
>             "http://url/file/pepe.png";,
>             "http://url/file/pepe.png";,
>             "http://url/file/pepe.png";,
>             "http://url/file/pepe.png";
>         ]
>     }
> }
> TASK: [Flushing Akamai cache]
> *************************************************
> <localhost> EXEC ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'mkdir -p
> $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1385480305.84-120825882016653 && chmod a+rx
> $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1385480305.84-120825882016653 && echo
> $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1385480305.84-120825882016653']
> <localhost> REMOTE_MODULE uri url=
> method=POST user=aaa
> password=aaa HEADER_Content-Type="application/json" body='{'objects': ['
> http://url/file/pepe.png', 'http://url/file/pepe.png', '
> http://url/file/pepe.png', 'http://url/file/pepe.png']}' status_code=201
> return_content=yes
> <localhost> PUT /tmp/tmpHoHxi9 TO
> /usr/home/jamengual/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1385480305.84-120825882016653/uri
> <localhost> EXEC ['/bin/sh', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/python
> /usr/home/jamengual/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1385480305.84-120825882016653/uri;
> rm -rf
> /usr/home/jamengual/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1385480305.84-120825882016653/
> >/dev/null 2>&1']
> failed: [localhost] => {"allow": "GET, HEAD, POST", "connection": "close",
> "content": "{\"title\": \"bad request\", \"httpStatus\": 400, \"detail\":
> \"Invalid JSON document\", \"describedBy\": \"
> "content_length": "149", "content_type": "application/api-problem+json",
> "date": "Tue, 26 Nov 2013 22:43:14 GMT", "failed": true, "redirected":
> false, "server": "Apache", "status": 400, "vary": "Authorization"}
> msg: Status code was not 201
> FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
> ********************************************************************
>            to retry, use: --limit @/usr/home/jamengual/akamai.retry
> localhost                  : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0
>  failed=1
>  --
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Michael DeHaan <>
CTO, AnsibleWorks, Inc.

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