Hi Bryan,

Following https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/pull/2710 and 
https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/5403, I would like to clarify a 

The reported problem (Why '--user' argument is ignored?) affects your 
general usage of `ansible-playbook`. You showed that it is not a specific 
problem with Vagrant Ansible provisioner, so it makes sense to keep the 
discussion here.

That said, I would like to help you to find out the origin of this 
problem... But I can't reproduce and have difficulties to figure out where 
could this "User=root" come from... Could you please detail your Ansible 
installation (from source or from package? do you use a custom ansible.cfg 

Cheers, Gilles

mentioned is an easy trick to be able to run `ansible-playbook` from the 
command line (withou --private-key and --user), but you shouldn't need it 
to run commands like `vagrant provision`. Don't you, right? Focusing on the 
current problem, passing a `--user` argument actually overrides this 

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