I've been looking for a solutions for this, but I can't seem to figure it 
out. Here is what I want to do:

I'm writing a playbook to manage a number of DNS servers. I have a list of 
zones in my vars file, like so:

  - a.com
  - b.com
  - c.com

I then have a dir with each zone file in it:


However, for some of the zones, I just want to use a default zone file. So 
basically, what I would like to do is something like this:

- name: Copy zone files
  copy: src=zones/{{ item }} dest=/var/named/zones/{{ item }}
    - path/to/zones/{{ item }}.db
    - path/to/zones/default.db
    - list_of_zones

This however does not work.

I tried to split out the copy part and with_first_file to a different file 
in the playbook and include it, passing the zone as a var, but I then got a 
warning that using with_items together with include was not recommended and 
that it was going to be deprecated.

I'm a bit lost how to solve this. One option would of course be to extend 
my zones var to include the name of the zone file as well, but I would like 
to make this as dynamic as possible. Any ideas are welcome.


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