
I'm getting a traceback on a group_by, which is intended to create a group 
named after each of a host's existing groups, prepended by a variable that 
is being set with '-e' at invocation (a site/host-group ID):

- name: vagrant | Create provider-agnostic ID_and_type group
>   group_by: key="{{ id }}_{{ item }}"
>   with_items: group_names
>   when: provider == "vagrant"

The variable *provider* is also being set via '-e'. So for example, a host 
that was part of the dns and mail groups would be added to groups like 
prodSite1_dns and prodSite1_mail. These are not being set statically in an 
inventory file because sometimes it is run on ec2 hosts and the groups are 
pulled from tags, and sometimes it is run on a vagrant box and the groups 
are written into an inventory script.

Here is what I'm getting when running with -vvvv:

TASK: [iaas_gather_multi | ec2 | Create provider-agnostic ID group] 
> *********** 
> skipping: [localhost]
> TASK: [iaas_gather_multi | ec2 | Create provider-agnostic type group] 
> ********* 
> skipping: [localhost]
> TASK: [iaas_gather_multi | ec2 | Create provider-agnostic ID_and_type 
> group] *** 
> skipping: [localhost]
> TASK: [iaas_gather_multi | ec2 | Create provider-agnostic host-provisioned 
> boolean] *** 
> skipping: [localhost]
> TASK: [iaas_gather_multi | debug var=group_names] 
> ***************************** 
> ok: [localhost] => {
>     "group_names": [
>         "db", 
>         "webnode"
>     ], 
>     "item": ""
> }
>  TASK: [iaas_gather_multi | vagrant | Create provider-agnostic ID_and_type 
> group] *** 
> created 'group_by' ActionModule: key={{id}}_{{item}}
> changed: [localhost] => (item=db) => {"changed": true, "groups": 
> {"vagrant-devhost_db": ["localhost"]}, "item": "db"}
> created 'group_by' ActionModule: key={{id}}_{{item}}
> fatal: [localhost] => Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ansible/runner/__init__.py", line 
> 394, in _executor
>     exec_rc = self._executor_internal(host, new_stdin)
>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ansible/runner/__init__.py", line 
> 514, in _executor_internal
>     complex_args=complex_args
>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ansible/runner/__init__.py", line 
> 685, in _executor_internal_inner
>     result = handler.run(conn, tmp, module_name, module_args, inject, 
> complex_args)
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ansible/runner/action_plugins/group_by.py", 
> line 86, in run
>     del self.runner.inventory._vars_per_host[host]
> KeyError: u'localhost'
> FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

Thank you,

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