
I'm trying to mix dynamic & static inventory, but I fall short having
these inventories cooperating with each other.

My playbook is supposed to :
- handle droplet creation on Digital Ocean
- provision each droplet

Because of this, I do not know target host IPs in advance, and I don't
want to fill 'ansible_ssh_host' manualy in my static inventory.

So my idea was to use the groups returned in by digital_ocean.py
inventory script, which creates groups based on DigitalOcean hostnames
(among others) :

On the dynamic side, I'm using digital_ocean.py inventory script :

  $ inventory/digital_ocean.py --pretty
    "web1.example.org": [

So all seems well, I though could use this group in the static part :

  $ cat inventory/hosts
  localhost gather_facts=no ansible_python_interpreter=python2


Now when I run `ansible all -i inventory/ --list-hosts` I get :

ERROR: child group is not defined: (web1.example.org)

It seems that the group created by digital_ocean.py is not available in
the static inventory part.

Is this intended, or am I missing something ?

Thanks for reading.

Michel Blanc
{ :github => "@leucos", :twitter => "@b9m", :gpg => "0X24B35C22" }

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