Custom module will work best in your case.
We are using the same approach but with more sources of asset. This module 
is basically used in every software installation role and separate role is 
not an option.

1) Check if file is already present in destination directory
2) Download from /opt/repository/app (mount of software repository for 
installations with Vagrant)
3) Download from http://reposerver/app or s3://repobucket/app
4) Download from internet

- name: Get Packer installer
  get_installer: >
    name={{ packer_installer }}
    dest={{ packer_install_home }}
    repo={{ repo_app_base }}
    path={{ packer_repo_path }}
    repo_url={{ repo_app_url }}
    url={{ packer_url }}
  sudo: yes

 packer_installer: '{{ packer_version }}'
 packer_repo_path: HashiCorp/Packer/{{ packer_version }}
 packer_url:{{ packer_installer }}
 repo_app_base: /opt/repository/app
 repo_app_url: http://reposerver/app (or s3://repobucket/app)

So module searches in
1) /opt/install/packer/ (destination)
2) /opt/repository/app/HashiCorp/Packer/0.5.1/ (nfs 
3) http://reposerver/app/HashiCorp/Packer/0.5.1/ (http 
server) or s3://repobucket/app/HashiCorp/Packer/0.5.1/

Drawback - none of your roles can be shared in Ansible Galaxy.

On Saturday, March 1, 2014 1:19:45 PM UTC+3, Jason Sheedy wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback guys. I think, as James suggested, the simplest 
> way would be to download all the assets in a separate role. 
> That sayid, I was hoping to download / sync to the asset server in an 
> addhock fashion in various roles. To do that I think it would be easier to 
> write a custom module than piecing together a long list of calls to 
> standard modules every time I need an asset. As an example, I'm thinking 
> something like this would be good:
> tasks
> - name: download asset and sync to asset server
>   url:
>   dest: /var/assets
>   asset_host: root@my.asset.server
> This would download the asset if if doesn't exist on the asset server and 
> syncronise with the local file system. The dest directory could be mirrored 
> between the asset server and the host machine.

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