
Searched around before posting this but I was unable to find anything 

Anyway I am using the rax module to provision a server in the Rackspace 
Cloud using pyrax etc. The problem is that SOMETIMES the play will fail 
with a connection refused error.:

PLAY [Wait for port 22 to be ready] 

TASK: [wait_for port=22 delay=20] 
fatal: [testing6] => {'msg': 'FAILED: [Errno 111] Connection refused', 
'failed': True}

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

I tried adding the wait_for with a delay of 20 but maybe I am doing it 
wrong. Here is what my play looks like up to the point of failure:

- name: testing rackspace cloud
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Provision the cloud server
        module: rax
        name: "testing"
        flavor: "performance1-1"
        image: "centos-65"
        count: "1"
        group: "web"
        wait: yes
      register: rax

    - name: Add servers to 'raxhosts' group
        module: add_host
        hostname: "{{ item.name }}"
        ansible_ssh_host: "{{ item.rax_accessipv4 }}"
        ansible_ssh_pass: "{{ item.rax_adminpass }}"
        ansible_ssh_user: root
        groupname: raxhosts
      with_items: rax.success
      when: rax.action == 'create'

- name: Wait for port 22 to be ready
  hosts: raxhosts
  gather_facts: False
    - wait_for: port=22 delay=20

Any help on this is appreciated. The issue is intermittent sometimes it 
will run 10 times in a row then fail a few time then work again.


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