>From the sound of it, either that variable doesn't exist or for some reason it 
>isn't being expanded.

You could try adding a task above that one to inspect it:

- debug: var=php_ini_settings

You might also try:

with_items: "{{ php_ini_settings }}" 

But you really shouldn't need to.  The error you are getting is saying that the 
data it is looping over is a string, and not a dict/hash.
Matt Martz

On March 21, 2014 at 7:20:25 AM, Simón Muñoz (simon...@gmail.com) wrote:

Thanks for your answer Matt, but unfortunately it hasn't worked :(.

- name: Setting log level in development
    regexp="{{ item.regexp }}"
    line="{{ item.line }}"
  with_items: php_ini_settings

fatal: [] => One or more undefined variables: 'str object' has no 
attribute 'regexp'

El viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014 13:15:07 UTC+1, Matt Martz escribió:
There are a couple of things going on here, but the end solution I believe is 
going to be:

with_items: php_ini_settings

What you are doing is creating a list of lists, and php_ini_settings is being 
treated as a string.  Since php_ini_settings is already a list, just use the 
line I referenced above.

Matt Martz

On March 21, 2014 at 12:10:24 AM, Simón Muñoz (simo...@gmail.com) wrote:

Hi all,

I have tried all that I could think about this, but I wasn't able to use a list 
inside a lineinfile call. This is my task code:

- name: php.ini hardening
    regexp="{{ item.regexp }}"
    line="{{ item.line }}"
    - php_ini_settings

And this is an example list:

# roles/php-fpm/vars/main.yml
  - regexp: "memory_limit = 128M"
    line: "{{ memory_limit }}"
  - regex: "post_max_size = 8M"
    line: "{{ post_max_size }}"

The fatal error: 

fatal: [] => One or more undefined variables: 'str object' has no 
attribute 'regexp'

Anyone has a clue about this? Thanks in advance!

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