Is anyone else having issues with this feature. If the host key is on the 
machine my Ansible git checkout works perfectly.

If the host key isn't on the box and even with accept_hostkey=yes the 
checkout fails. I'm on Ansible 1.5.2

Error is also ambiguous as it says set accept_hostkey to True!!

TASK: [webservers | checkout the site] 

failed: [app01] => {"failed": true, "item": ""}

msg: has an unknown hostkey. Set accept_hostkey 
to True or manually add the hostkey prior to running the git module

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

On Saturday, January 11, 2014 4:34:12 PM UTC, James Tanner wrote:
> I created a new feature in the git module to help with hostkey 
> management and prevent task hangs with unknown keys: 
> The module should fail early on if the hostkey is unknown instead of 
> hanging indefinitely. 
> If the user adds "accept_hostkey=yes" to the git parameters, the key 
> will be automatically 
> added to the known_hosts file. 
> Hopefully this makes the git module easier for our new users. 

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