I'm in the process of trying to migrate a rather large (200+ line) 
configuration file from a homebrew templating system to an ansible 
template.  I have a very simple playbook that just tries to install the 
template into /tmp so I can do some validation on it.  Unfortunately it 
looks like I didn't rewrite the template properly using jinja2 since I get 
an error when I try to run the playbook.  And the error I get is rather 

TASK: [intl-back | Template test] *********************************
fatal: [euwprd-back-3-a] => {'msg': "unsupported operand type(s) for -: 
'unicode' and 'str'", 'failed': True}
fatal: [euwprd-back-3-a] => {'msg': "unsupported operand type(s) for -: 
'unicode' and 'str'", 'failed': True}

Running ansible with -vvvv didn't offer anything useful either.  Is there 
any way to easily determine what line(s) in the template file these errors 
are referring to?  Or am I just stuck deleting chunks of the template until 
I figure it out the hard way?


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