Michael --

(Note that as of this morning, I am at version 1.5.5-1.el6 of ansible, and 
still seeing the same issue -- FYI)

The simplest of playbooks to show the error:

- hosts: XYZ
  sudo: yes
    - shell: cat /etc/motd
      register: cat
    - local_action: command echo item
      with_items: cat.stdout_lines

- hosts: XYZ
  sudo: yes
    - shell: cat /var/log/boot.log
      register: cat
    - local_action: command echo item
      with_items: cat.stdout_lines

The file contents for the former:

You are about to access a Duke University computer network that is intended 
authorized users only. You should have no expectation of privacy in your 
use of
this network. Use of this network constitutes consent to monitoring, 
and disclosure of any information stored within the network for any purpose
including criminal prosecution.

The (beginning of the) file contents for the latter (which, as you can see, 
DOES include special characters):

^[%G            Welcome to ^[[0;36mCentOS^[[0;39m
Starting udev: ^[%G^[[60G[^[[0;32m  OK  ^[[0;39m]^M



PS, I actually considered a job at Wake Forest about two years ago, but 
decided it was too long of a commute, so declined the interview. 

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