
Thanks for feedback, and sorry for bad suspicion on potential root abuse ;-)

For me everything behaves the same on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 flavors. Do 
you still observe this problem on 14.04?
I suspect (again!) that you might experienced some "transient" troubles, 
maybe due to ControlMaster delays (in my experience, setting 
ControlMaster=no during debugging phase can help).

For completeness, I should mention that during my tests, I faced another 
problem (on both ubuntu boxes):  `accept_hostkey=yes` or `ssh_opts='-o 
StrictHostKeyChecking=no'` options of the git module do not work for me, 
and the task hung. So far I could fix it by filling ~/.ssh/known_hosts via 
other means (see also https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/6358 by the 
way). As I did not find any github issues nor mailing list topic referring 
to similar problem, I assume so far that I am doing something wrong on my 
end and will further investigate (and maybe report in a separate thread). 
Note that based on 
https://groups.google.com/d/topic/ansible-project/d5OVhIWQ8AI/discussion, I 
also compared ansible v1.6.1 and v1.5.3, but I got exactly the same 
blocking issue with the git task.


Here some details current status of Vagrant support for Ansible 

As of Vagrant 1.5.0, the Ansible provisioner 
supportsconfig.ssh.forward_agentfrom Vagrant settings to auto-configure 
ansible-playbook command with  
--connection=ssh and ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS='-o ForwardAgent=yes ...'. With older 
Vagrant versions, it was indeed necessary to manually tweak these 
parameters (via ansible.cfg, ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS, etc.) but I hope the usages 
will change overtime and less people get confused. The answer from 
tamakisquare on http://stackoverflow.com/a/23554663 also confirms that this 
change makes things quite simpler.

More generally, I also would like to mention that since Vagrant 1.6.0, the 
provisioner shows the complete ansible-playbook command in vagrant terminal 
log, for example:

ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS='-o ForwardAgent=yes -o ControlMaster=auto -o 
ControlPersist=60s' ansible-playbook 
--private-key=/.../.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key --user=vagrant 
--inventory-file=/.../.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory -vv 
--limit='machine*' playbook.yml

I think that this simple addition is quite handy for support/debugging as 
it makes very easy to copy-paste and tweak in a simple shell, without 
having the Vagrant pipeline involved. In the future, I would propose as a 
general guideline for Vagrant+Ansible users, to first check that `vagrant 
provision` and pure `ansible-playbook` commands behave the same before 
reporting issues to Ansible mailing list / GH issue tracker.


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