On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Michael DeHaan <mich...@ansible.com> wrote:
> Don't do this :)
> Use Ansible and if need be, configure jumphosts, or whatever, but Ansible
> shouldn't ever *NEED* to call ssh.

I agree it shouldn't be done in general, but I'm interested to see how
you would have solved my initial, more complicated problem. I just
simplified to the smallest thing that had the same symptoms for my
What I was trying to do was run a backup on one server (that may or
may not be managed by ansible) but stream that backup to the ansible
managed server and run some other tasks on it. I think the original
command was something like this:

    innobackupex --stream=tar ./ | pigz | ssh user@ansible_host "cat -
> /data/backups/backup.tar"

So I don't actually want the backup stored on the delegate server, but
compressed and streamed to the target server that ansible is

I thought about using netcat, but that seemed more involved with
having to control it on both ends.
Any other thoughts on how to tackle this?

> Ansible already has lots of wrappers for that.

Even though I didn't want to have to write the backup to disk on the
delegate server, I did try to use copy + delegate_to, but now that I
look back, that wasn't going to work.

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