
I am trying to use the rax_cbs module to create a cloud block storage 
volume in Rackspace Cloud. Pyrax is working as I am having no problems 
launching cloud servers using the rax module. Here is the issue I am 
facing. I think it may have something do with hosts: localhost but I am not 
certain what I am missing here. I am using the example straight from the 
docs slightly edited:

- name: Build a Block Storage Volume
  gather_facts: False
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Storage volume create request
        module: rax_cbs
        credentials: ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials
        name: my-volume
        description: My Volume
        volume_type: SSD
        size: 150
        region: DFW
        wait: yes
        state: present
          app: my-cool-app
      register: my_volume

And here's what the run looks like:

PLAY [Build a Block Storage Volume] 

TASK: [Storage volume create request] 
<> REMOTE_MODULE rax_cbs 
credentials='~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials' state=present volume_type=SSD 
description='My Volume' region=DFW name=my-volume
failed: [localhost] => {"failed": true}
msg: No CloudBlockStorageVolume matching: {'name': 'my-volume'}. (HTTP 404)

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

           to retry, use: --limit @/root/playbook3.retry

localhost                  : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1

Now if I go manually create the CBS volume then run the play this is what 

PLAY [Build a Block Storage Volume] 

TASK: [Storage volume create request] 
<> REMOTE_MODULE rax_cbs 
credentials='~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials' state=present volume_type=SSD 
description='My Volume' region=DFW name=my-volume
ok: [localhost] => {"changed": false, "volume": {"attachments": [], 
"availability_zone": "nova", "bootable": "false", "created_at": 
"2014-05-25T22:02:20.000000", "display_description": null, "display_name": 
"my-volume", "id": "0b4f9125-2931-4851-ade5-53e4351c639f", "metadata": 
{"storage-node": "b9907568-e40a-424e-bc57-9f39a51c2ee1"}, 
"os-vol-host-attr:host": "lunr", "os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat": null, 
"os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id": null, "os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id": 
"548880", "size": 150, "snapshot_id": null, "source_volid": null, "status": 
"available", "volume_type": "SSD"}}

localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

Not quite sure what I am missing here. If someone could point me in the 
right direction it would be mucho appreciated. I also tried pulling a list 
of the CBS volume I manually created with pyrax but I can't seem to get 
that to work either. I can pull servers though no problem.


In [9]: cs = pyrax.cloudservers

In [10]: cs.servers.list()
[<Server: gluster-client1>,
 <Server: gluster4>,
 <Server: gluster3>,
 <Server: gluster2>,
 <Server: gluster1>,
 <Server: jhyelton1>,
 <Server: jimmyp-rh-openstack-pleasedontdelete>]

In [11]: cbs = pyrax.cloud_blockstorage

In [12]: cbs.list()
Out[12]: []

In [13]: list = cbs.list()

In [14]: for i in list:
   ....:     print i

In [15]:


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