Not to flog a dead horse as there are numerous threads about not allowing 
with_items and includes, but I have a narrower use case that I could really 
use this for and hopefully someone can help me here.

I have a script that I use to spin up new cloud vm instances, the variables 
specific to the instance are passed in at runtime, something along the 
lines of 

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: True

- {include: playbooks/create_instance.yml,
          instance_type: 'c3.xlarge',
          tags: {
            hostname: 'xyz-server',
            cluster_name: '{{cluster_name}}',
            ansible_names: ['xyz-server1']

I'd like to be able to add a with_sequence to this so I could spin up more 
than one at a time. Something along the lines of 

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: True

- {include: playbooks/create_instance.yml,
          instance_type: 'c3.xlarge',
          tags: {
            hostname: 'xyz-server{{item}}',
            cluster_name: '{{cluster_name}}',
            dns_names: ['xyz-server{{item}}']
        with_sequence: start={{start}} end={{end}}

Unfortunately I get the deprecated warning

ERROR: [DEPRECATED]: include + with_items is a removed deprecated feature. 
 Please update your playbooks.

I realize that its easy to get burned with this, but in this case there is 
only a single host so no danger of the variables resolving differently on 
different hosts. 

A workaround mentions pushing the loop down into the playbook, but that 
playbook is pretty modular and calls other playbooks so would require 
pushing the loop code into each of these. 

Any suggestions of how this could be handled? I'm about to resort to a 
shell script to repeatedly call my playbook but it seems wrong. 

Instead of outright vetoing it, might a 'caveat emptor' approach be more 
appropriate, a warning outlining the danger but ultimately letting it 
execute? If I burn myself I'll only have myself to blame



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