My thought would be to use delegate_to to call a script on master that 
returns the string that the client needs.


On Friday, 30 May 2014 02:56:20 UTC-7, Makimoto Marakatti wrote:
> Hi all
> Let's say I've got a service that I need to install on a machine that 
> we'll call 'client' and for that to work it has to get some parameter from 
> a box called 'master'.
> For this to work under ansible it would need to:
>   - install on 'client'
>   - contact 'master' to relay the hostname of 'client' and get an install 
> string
>   - go back to 'client' and perform a sync with this string.
> So I thought the best way to approach this would be lookups. But can't 
> figure out the syntax for this, or even if this would be the right approach?
> (I can actually make this work with a shell script easily, but thought 
> that ansible would be the right tool to get things standardized)
> Any insights greatly appreciated...

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