
I'm running in to an issue with conditional includes. I'm trying to create 
an automatic rollback procedure for one of my playbooks which attempts to 
deploy new versions of our company software. I'm using includes to abstract 
the common roll back tasks to separate YAML files in a directory called 
"rollback". I've included a small sample of the playbook below which 
includes "rollback/exit.yml" when the result of the previous task failed. 
What seems to happen is that ansible includes the tasks from the 
rollback/exit.yml file and applies the "when: result|failed" condition to 
every task in the included yaml file. This produces the desired result but 
does print out a bunch of "skipped" messages as shown below. Is there a way 
to tell ansible to only include the tasks if the previous task failed or to 
not show the skipped tasks? Is there a better way to accomplish what I'm 
trying to do?

I'm using a version of the command below to run the playbook (filename of 
playbook changed):

ansible-playbook playbooks/company_app.yml -i playbooks/hosts --tags 
> "testing"

> - hosts: all
>   vars:
>     RPM_NAME: 'company_app_pacakge_name'
>   remote_user: ansible
>   sudo: yes
>   #accelerate: true
>   tasks:
>   - name: Installing new RPM
>     yum: "name={{ RPM_NAME }} state=present"
>     ignore_errors: true
>     tags:
>     - testing
>     register: result
>   - include: rollback/exit.yml
>     when: result|failed
> <<snip>>
- fail: msg="The company_app deployment failed."
    - testing

Ansible version:
$ ansible-playbook --version
ansible-playbook 1.6.3

Skipped message:

[ansible@master01 ~]$ ansible-playbook playbooks/company_app.yml -i 
playbooks/hosts --tags "testing"
PLAY [all] ********************************************************************
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [ansible_node]
TASK: [Installing new RPM] ****************************************************
ok: [ansible_node]
TASK: [fail msg="The company_app deployment failed."] 
skipping: [ansible_node]

Thanks for the help,

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