I'm trying to create a VPC with certain tags which are derived from
variables. I feel like I can't find the right YAML/Jinja/whatever
syntax to make it work though.

At first I tried setting them in the resource_tags directly when using
the ec2_vpc module like so:

   - name: Create VPC for new environment
        module: ec2_vpc
        state: present
        resource_tags: { "Name": "marketplace-{{ environment }}" }
        region: "{{ aws_region }}"
        dns_hostnames: true
        dns_support: true
        internet_gateway: true
        validate_certs: true
        instance_tenancy: default
        wait: true
        subnets: []
        route_tables: []
      register: new_vpc

While this executes without errors it results in a VPC with the Name
tag of "marketplace-{}" which is obviously not what I want.

And if my Name tag starts out with a "{" like "{{ environment
}}-marketplace" then I get this error:

failed: [localhost] => {"failed": true, "parsed": false}
invalid output was: Traceback (most recent call last):
line 2001, in <module>
line 599, in main
    (vpc_dict, new_vpc_id, subnets_changed, changed) =
create_vpc(module, vpc_conn)
line 278, in create_vpc
    previous_vpc = find_vpc(module, vpc_conn, id, cidr_block)
line 240, in find_vpc
    if resource_tags and
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

So I though, maybe ec2_vpc does run the Jinja templating on the values
in the resource_tags dictionary. So I then tried to create the VPC
with a dummy name tag, save it's vpc_id and then use ec2_tag to add
the tags in a separate task:

    - name: Tag the new VPC
      local_action: ec2_tag resource={{ new_vpc.vpc_id }} region={{
aws_region }} state=present
          Name: "marketplace-{{ environment }}"

But this results in the same thing (vpc with a Name tag of
"marketplace-{}" instead of something like "marketplace-branch-XYZ".

Am I confused about the YAML/Jinja syntax to accomplish what I want or
is using variables in EC2 tags not supported? And if it's not
supported would pull requests to add it be something folks would like?


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