I have just tried this:
- name: getting & showing all records matchig our stores
  local_action: route53 command=get zone={{ item.zone }} record={{ item.record 
}} type=A value={{ item.elasticip.public_ip }}
    - { record: '{{ comhost }}', zone: '{{ zonecom }}', elasticip: '{{ 
eip.results }}' }
    - { record: '{{ athost }}', zone: '{{ zoneat }}', elasticip: '{{ 
eip.results }}' }
    - { record: '{{ chhost }}', zone: '{{ zonech }}', elasticip: '{{ 
eip.results }}' }
    - { record: '{{ ukhost }}', zone: '{{ zoneuk }}', elasticip: '{{ 
eip.results }}' }
    - { record: '{{ frhost }}', zone: '{{ zonefr }}', elasticip: '{{ 
eip.results }}' }
    - { record: '{{ ithost }}', zone: '{{ zoneit }}', elasticip: '{{ 
eip.results }}' }
    - { record: '{{ sehost }}', zone: '{{ zonese }}', elasticip: '{{ 
eip.results }}' }
  register: dnsrec_get

and got
TASK: [getting & showing all records matchig our stores] 
fatal: [localhost] => One or more undefined variables: 'list object' has no 
attribute 'public_ip'

On Thursday, 19 June 2014 18:29:17 UTC+2, Dan Vaida wrote:
> Could it be something as easy as (route53.yml)
> ...
> - name: getting & showing all records matchig our stores                 
>   local_action: route53 command=get zone={{ item.zone }} record={{ 
> item.record 
> }} type=A value={{ elasticip.public_ip }}
>   with_items:
>     - { record: '{{ comhost }}', zone: '{{ zonecom }}', elasticip: '{{ 
> eip.results }}' }                                                         
>     - { record: '{{ athost }}', zone: '{{ zoneat }}', elasticip: '{{ 
> eip.results }}' }                                                         
>     - { record: '{{ chhost }}', zone: '{{ zonech }}', elasticip: '{{ 
> eip.results }}' }                                                         
>     - { record: '{{ ukhost }}', zone: '{{ zoneuk }}', elasticip: '{{ 
> eip.results }}' }                                                         
>     - { record: '{{ frhost }}', zone: '{{ zonefr }}', elasticip: '{{ 
> eip.results }}' }                                                         
>     - { record: '{{ ithost }}', zone: '{{ zoneit }}', elasticip: '{{ 
> eip.results }}' }                                                         
>     - { record: '{{ sehost }}', zone: '{{ zonese }}', elasticip: '{{ 
> eip.results }}' }                                                         
>     - { record: '{{ sehost }}', zone: '{{ zonese }}', elasticip: '{{ 
> eip.results }}' }                                
>   register: dnsrec_get
> ...
> Just exploring potential solutions...
> Thanks!
> On Thursday, 19 June 2014 18:13:26 UTC+2, Dan Vaida wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> Since the 'include' doesn't work anymore with 'with_items', I am trying 
>> to do the following:
>> ...
>> - name: add EIP to the instance
>>   local_action: ec2_eip in_vpc=yes instance_id={{ item.id }} region={{ 
>> region }}
>>   with_items: ec2.instances
>>   register: eip
>> - name: output the IP
>>   debug: msg= "Allocated IP inside the VPC is {{ item.public_ip }}"
>>   with_items: eip.results
>> - name: Update Route53
>>   include: route53.yml EIP={{ eip.WhatToPutHere? }}
>>   #with_items: eip.results < this is now deprecated
>> ...
>> Here goes my route53.yml
>> - name: if we have the records, replace them if they do not match. if we 
>> dont have them, just create them.
>>   local_action: route53 command=create zone={{ item.zone }} record={{ 
>> item.record }} type=A value={{ EIP }} overwrite=yes ttl=300
>>   with_items:
>>     - { record: '{{ comhost }}', zone: '{{ zonecom }}' }
>>     - { record: '{{ athost }}', zone: '{{ zoneat }}' }
>>     - { record: '{{ chhost }}', zone: '{{ zonech }}' }
>>     - { record: '{{ ukhost }}', zone: '{{ zoneuk }}' }
>>     - { record: '{{ frhost }}', zone: '{{ zonefr }}' }
>>     - { record: '{{ ithost }}', zone: '{{ zoneit }}' }
>>     - { record: '{{ sehost }}', zone: '{{ zonese }}' }
>>   register: dnsrec_create
>> Everywhere I look, everyone says "just go for those so many easy ways" to 
>> achieve the same thing without the with_items... but after almost a full 
>> day of writing playbooks, I might be missing the obvious here :)
>> I'd like to keep the route53.yml separate from my main playbook.
>> Any advice is much appreciated.

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