Helo all,

 I wonder if I can get some help with referencing facts in template.

I ma not able to reference:

 every time I run my play, the file on the host shows:


and the same line in my template:

 carp0_ip=”{{ ansible_carp0[“ipv4”][“address”] }}”

this is the snippet from running: ansible server -m setup

 "ansible_carp0": {
"device": "carp0", 
"flags": [
"ipv4": [
"address": "", 
"broadcast": "", 
"netmask": "", 
"network": ""
"ipv6": [
"address": "fe80::200:5eff:fe00:101%carp0", 
"prefix": "64", 
"scope": "0x4"
"macaddress": "00:00:5e:00:01:04", 
"mtu": "1500", 
"status": "master", 
"type": "unknown"

 host where ansible is installed: CentOS 6.5

ansible version: 1.6.6

host I'm pulling facts from: OpenBSD 5.5

Thank you


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