A new issue has cropped up for me with v1.6.8 when running a command 
through the shell module that has an equal sign in the command:

- name: register the zone a nat instance
  shell: 'aws --region {{ aws_region }} ec2 describe-instances --filters 
"Name=tag:Name, Values=NAT Instance A" "Name=instance-state-code, Values=16" 
--query "Reservations[*].Instances[*].InstanceId" | jq --raw-output ".[][]"'
  changed_when: false
  register: zone_a_nat_instance

...and the error I'm getting is:

TASK: [aws | register the zone a nat instance] ********************************
fatal: [localhost] => a duplicate parameter was found in the argument string 

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

Although there are technically two instances of 'Name=' in my command, it's 
not an actual Ansible module parameter, but part of the shell command I'd 
like to run. This task worked previously and no matter how I quote the 
above task (no surrounding quotes, single quotes, double quotes, -shell: > 
with a newline then the command, etc.), it throws the same error.

I did find this GitHub issue regarding the same error, but it seems like 
there are a number of issues going on in that thread: 

Any quick fixes? Is this an unintended consequence of the security fix?

Aaron Bull Schaefer

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