So there's already "with_fileglob" in Ansible

- debug: msg={{ path }}
  with_fileglob: /path/to/files/*/*.tgz

This isn't recursive however, despite being able to specify multiple
directories to read.

It would be possible to make a lookup plugin that was, like a
"with_fileglob_recursive" that used the results of something like

So basically yes, you need a new one.

With_nested is for constructing nested loops and is something a bit

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Bill Lubanovic <> wrote:

> I'd like to walk a directory hierarchy of the form <a>/<b>/<c>/<d>. <a> is
> a fixed root directory, and isn't relevant. I have a number of <b>
> directories, which represent machine categories. Under each <b> are zero or
> more <c> directories, which are string values for that category. Finally,
> <d> is a directory hierarchy to copy to machines that match the parent
> <b>/<c> combination. For example:
> /tmp/test/color/red/etc/passwd
> /tmp/test/color/green/etc/motd
> /tmp/test/flavor/cinnamon/var/something
> <a> here is /tmp/test. There are two <b> categories (color and flavor):
> the first (color) has two <c> subdirectories (red and green) and the second
> (flavor) has one (cinnamon). Each <c> has a different <d> (file hierarchy)
> to be copied to machines that match <b>/<c>.
> How do I walk each <b>, passing its value, its <c> subdirectories, and
> their <d> subdirectories to a task? I need to consider <b> and <c> together
> with other vars and facts (machine "colors" and "flavors") to pick target
> destinations for <d>.
> I've looked at the various loop constructs, and see how to chain with
> register, but not how to populate the lists for with_nested.
> Thanks!
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