Hello list,

I'm trying to roll out some mysql configuration files. The playbook itself 
is not the problem. My problem are the handlers that are for every given 
host and not only for the changed hosts.

I've got three servers that got some roles. The roles will be determinated 
by some "local gathering fact" script. If only one configuration file was 
changed by the ansible rollout the playbook will call the handler on all 3 

But first things first, here's the playbook:

- hosts:
    - "*.c-1.home"
    - "*.c-2.home"
    - name: Gather our facts
      action: local_gathering
    - name: copy file to '/etc/mysql/conf.d/optimizer_switch.cnf'
      copy: src=roles/role-db/files/mysql-5.6/optimizer_switch.cnf 
dest=/etc/mysql/conf.d owner=root group=root mode=0644
      when: mysql.version == '5.6' and roles.db == '1'
      notify: restart mysql

# I've replaced the handler with some debugging output for testing 
    - name: restart mysql
      debug: msg="restart mysql for {{ ansible_hostname}}"

Here's the call:

% ansible-playbook -i ansible.hosts mysql.yml

And here's the output:

PLAY [*.c-2.home;*.c-1.home] ************************** 

ok: [srv.c-1.home]
ok: [db.c-2.home]
ok: [app.c-2.home]

TASK: [Gather our facts] 
ok: [db.c-2.home]
ok: [app.c-2.home]
ok: [srv.c-1.home]

TASK: [copy file to '/etc/mysql/conf.d/optimizer_switch.cnf'] 
skipping: [app.c-2.home]
ok: [db.c-2.home]
changed: [srv.c-1.home]

NOTIFIED: [restart mysql] 
ok: [app.c-2.home] => {
    "msg": "restart mysql for app"
ok: [db.c-2.home] => {
    "msg": "restart mysql for db"
ok: [srv.c-1.home] => {
    "msg": "restart mysql for srv"

app.c-2.home : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0   
db.c-2.home : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0   
srv.c-1.home : ok=4    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   

As you can see only on the "db" the configuration files were changed but 
the handler was called
on all three servers. Why is that so? How can I change the playbook so the 
handler will be called only
on the "changed" hosts.

I'm using ansible 1.6.2

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