The 'yum' module is pretty slow for me.  That might be an artifact from 
running my play books against a VM, but running 'yum install a b c d e f' 
is a lot faster than:

- name: Install PHP packages
  yum: name={{item}} state=latest
    - php
    - php-common
    - php-xml
    - php-mbstring
    - php-imap
    - php-pdo
    - php-pgsql
    - php-mcrypt

With one package, I could find a file that gets installed for that package, 
look for it, and if that fails then do the install.  But that's a lot 
harder to do with a bunch of packages like above unless I want to duplicate 
the task for each item.  I can accept it taking several minutes when it 
actually has to install those packages, but when they already exist, it 
STILL takes several minutes, a lot longer than using the native yum command.

Is there anything that can be done to the module, either by me or as a 
feature request / bug fix, that can let it see if the packages already 
exist and move along?

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