Hi Michael,

Thank you for your feedback.

On 10-09-14 15:26, Michael DeHaan wrote:
Yes, where you are defining "test" some of the items in that list are
hash tables that don't have a value for "base", which is why you are
getting that error.

Clearly I need to read more about lists, hashes and dicts. Not being a developer, please stand by while I try to wrap my head around them :)

Easiest would be to set it to empty string when it does not apply.

I couldn't figure that out but in the docs I found 'Nested Loops' that seemed promising. For the archives, here's how I got it working:

# file: roles/common/tasks/main.yml

- name: dirs | Include vars
  include_vars: main.yml

- name: dirs | Create some directories
    dest: "{{ item.0.base }}{{ item.0.usr }}/{{ item.1 }}"
    mode: 0750
    state: directory
    - users
    - dirs

# file: roles/common/vars/main.yml

  - usr: patrick
    base: /home/
  - usr: root
    base: /

  - test1
  - test2

However, it's a little weird that it says "str object", which seems to
imply you have, probably in that "dirs" variable file, refined the
variable "test" to a list of strings, as opposed to a list of hash elements.

FWIW it's Ansible 1.7.1 on Fedora 20 x86_64. If weird means bug, please let me know if you'd like me to file a ticket on github.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 7:12 PM, Patrick Ansible-ML
<ansi...@puzzled.xs4all.nl <mailto:ansi...@puzzled.xs4all.nl>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    New to the list. Been playing with Ansible for a few hours and I
    could use a hand in getting a task going. I've not figured out any
    of the YAML magic so please excuse the undoubtedly spectacular errors :)

    Goal: create a task that installs a couple of directories in
    /home/patrick and /root.

    # file: roles/common/tasks/main.yml

    - name: dirs | Include vars
       include_vars: main.yml

    - name: dirs | Create some directories
         dest: "{{ item.base }}/{{ item.usr }}/{{ item.dirs }}"
         mode: 0750
         owner: "{{ item.usr }}"
         group: "{{ item.usr }}"
         state: directory
       with_items: test

    # file: roles/common/vars/main.yml

       - usr: patrick
         base: /home
       - usr: root
         base: /
       - dirs: test1
       - dirs: test2

    When I run this with:
    $ ansible-playbook -v -i stage site.yml

    I get:
    TASK: [common | dirs | Create some directories]
    fatal: [test.local] => One or more undefined variables: 'str object'
    has no attribute 'base'

    I'm guessing that the issue is in vars/main.yml file but lots of
    Googling and staring at Github/Galaxy examples did not reveal a
    solution. Can anyone please enlighten me a bit?


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