Any final  prognosis on this issue? Specfically, how should the volumes be 
specified. An example would be nice!
I'm urgently waiting to use this feature.

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:05:49 PM UTC-4, Steven Truong wrote:
> Hi all,
> I tried to use the volumes option and nothing seems to work for me.
> I want to mount 2 directories ~/dockerstorage/model and ~/repo/ops/ansible 
> to the container and I used either of these commands and nothing worked.
>  docker: 
> docker_url=tcp://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:7777 
> publish_all_ports=True state=running volumes=/home/kafka/models:{{ 
> myhome.stdout }}/dockerstorage/models:rw,/usr/local/src/ansible:{{ 
> myhome.stdout }}/repo/ops/ansible:ro   
>  docker: 
> docker_url=tcp://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:7777 
> publish_all_ports=True state=running volumes={{ myhome.stdout 
> }}/dockerstorage/models:/home/kafka/models:rw,{{ myhome.stdout 
> }}/repo/ops/ansible:/usr/local/src/ansible:ro
> I sshed into the containers and the mounted points in either case were all 
> empty.
> I ran using docker directly and it worked for me:
> docker run -d -P  -v /home/steven/dockerstorage/models:/home/kafka/models:rw 
> -v /home/steven/repo/ops/ansible:/usr/local/src/ansible:ro 
> Please let me know what is the right ways to use "volumes" for docker. 
>  From the comments in the docker module, it appears to me that the 
> /mnt:/tmp is in reversed orders from those of the docker command line 
> because of the case when we just want to create a volume such as /mnt and 
> there is no equivalent mounted point from the host.  I think that this is 
> confusing and users have to read the codes to find out.
> Thanks,
> Steven.
> [root@sc2-dock1 cloud]# pwd
> /usr/local/ansible/library/cloud
> class DockerManager:
>     counters = {'created':0, 'started':0, 'stopped':0, 'killed':0, 
> 'removed':0, 'restarted':0, 'pull':0}
>     def __init__(self, module):
>         self.module = module  
>         self.binds = None
>         self.volumes = None
>         if self.module.params.get('volumes'):
>             self.binds = {}
>             self.volumes = {}
>             vols = self.module.params.get('volumes')
>             for vol in vols:
>                 parts = vol.split(":")
>                 # host mount (e.g. /mnt:/tmp, bind mounts host's /tmp to 
> /mnt in the container)
>                 if len(parts) == 2:
>                     self.volumes[parts[1]] = {}
>                     self.binds[parts[0]] = parts[1]
>                 # docker mount (e.g. /www, mounts a docker volume /www on 
> the container at the same location)
>                 else:
>                     self.volumes[parts[0]] = {}

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