Thinking on this a bit more ... it seems there are two use cases here: how 
to dynamically change your SSH control connection during playbook execution 
and how to subsequently refer to the new bastion host on subsequent calls 
to ansible-playbook.  If you could set SSH arguments per play, then I think 
both of these cases are addressed:

- hosts: all
  connection: ssh
    proxy_host: {{ groups.bastion[0] }}
    proxy_port: 22
    user: johndoe

The 'connection_args' feature implies you no longer require SSH config 
files (but could optionally use them if preferred).  It could be used 
dynamically within a playbook to override your defaults that come from 
"ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS", for example.

I can see an argument for just specifying raw SSH command line arguments as 
well, something like:

- hosts: all
  connection: ssh
    command_line: "-o ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p -l johndoe johndoe@{{ 
groups.bastion[0] }}"

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