This works on my machine,

- name: wait for server to come back
  local_action: shell while true; do echo "Waiting ..." ; ssh -o 
ConnectTimeout=5 -o BatchMode=yes  {{ inventory_hostname }} pwd ; [ $? -eq 
0 ] && break || sleep 5; done
  sudo: false

On Monday, November 10, 2014 10:14:50 AM UTC, J Hawkesworth wrote:
> Just a guess but you might want to have a few seconds of delay set in your 
> wait_for so that there is time for network services and sshd to come back 
> up before ansible goes looking for it.
> On Monday, November 10, 2014 2:33:55 AM UTC, Patrick Galbraith wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> We've been working on a playbook that does a dist upgrade and then 
>> performs a reboot. This has been problematic and results in a failure 
>> return status that sometimes means it worked and sometimes not. What is the 
>> trick to reboots -- being able to smoothly reconnect after a reboot signal?
>> ---
>> - name: reboot the server
>>   command: shutdown -r now "Ansible updates triggered"
>>   async: 0
>>   poll: 0
>>   ignore_errors: true
>>   tags:
>>     - reboot
>> - name: waiting for server to come back
>>   sudo: false
>>   local_action: >
>>     wait_for:
>>       host: {{ inventory_hostname }}
>>       timeout: 300
>>       delay: 0
>>       port: 22
>>       state: started
>>   tags:
>>     - reboot
>> Is there a technique that is commonly used that results in better plays 
>> that result in success?
>> Regards,
>> Patrick 

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