Sorry i just realized there is a simlear question!topic/ansible-project/c8bdwPtR640

On Wednesday, December 17, 2014 11:53:52 PM UTC+1, DomaNitro wrote:
> Hi,
> I have play that includes another play
> apps.yml
> - name: apps.yml | provision
>   hosts: apps
>   include: provision.yml
> - name: apps.yml | common stuff
>   hosts: apps
>   roles:
>     - do_common_stuff
> provision.yml
> - hosts: "{{subset_var}}"
>   connection: local
>   gather_facts: no
>   pre_tasks:
>      - name: do some stuff
>        dosome_tasks
>   roles:
>    - { role: do_some_provisioning }
>    - { role: do_more_stuff}
>    - { role: maybe_also_dns}
> The concept is that provision will be called from different plays for 
> different groups and the provision play will take the subset of the parent 
> play. 
> If you have a solution that does not involve passing "-e" it would be 
> great to share

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