On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 8:25 AM, Stuart Budd <s2b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I do not understand how this example works for user foo
> If I have not stated the user account to use for the ssh connection within
> the command line using:        ansible_ssh_user=foo
> or the Ansible host file:    /etc/ansible/hosts
> Is the current user account used as the ssh connection to a remote server if
> not specified on the command line or within the file: /etc/ansible/hosts  ?

> If so, does the logic for which user account to use for the ssh connection
> go like this:
> Use the current user account, unless specified in the command line using
> command:    ansible_ssh_user=foo

Via the command line:
* for /usr/bin/ansible use: -u foo
  /usr/bin/ansible rhel7-test -u ansibletest1 -a whoami
* for /usr/bin/ansible-playbook you can use -u foo if nothing else is
setting the user (not in /etc/ansible/hosts or the playbook).  If you
really want to override what's specified in hosts or the playbook use
-e ansible_ssh_user=foo:
  ansible-playbook test.yml -v -e 'ansible_ssh_user=ansibletest1'

> and if not specified in the  /etc/ansible/hosts file as:
> ansible_ssh_user=foo
> Ansible Local Server                      Remote server
> local-01                                        remote-01
> ---------------------------                        --------------------
> Local User foo       --> ssh -->        Remote user foo
> So in this example:
> (1)  Local user running /usr/bin/ansible is foo
> (2)  Remote user is an account on the remote box remote-01 which is also
> named foo
> (3)  sudoing will sudo to the remote account foo.  Which as you say is a
> no-op.

#3 is only true if you've specified that foo is the sudo_user
somewhere (for instance in ansible.cfg)
Otherwise you'll be sudo'ing to root.

> Server local-01
> [root@local-01 /]# grep sudo_user /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
> sudo_user      = root
> [root@local-01 /]# cat /etc/ansible/hosts
> [servers]
> remote-01
> [root@local-01 /]#
> Ansible command
> [root@local-01 ~]# su - foo
> [foo@local-01 ~]$ ssh foo@remote-01 whoami
> foo
> [foo@local-01 ~]$ ansible remote-01 -m command -a "whoami"
> remote-01 | success | rc=0 >>
> foo
> [foo@local-01 ~]$

<nod>  This is all correct. I see that you pointed out that sudo_user
= root in ansible.cfg.  So just in case you're wondering, ansible does
not sudo unless you tell it to.  That would look something like this:

[foo@local-01 ~]$ ansible remote-01 -m command -a "whoami" --sudo  -K
sudo password:
remote-01 | success | rc=0 >>

> Question
> How does the above Ansible command work if I have not specified the user
> account for the SSH connection or the local user account either within
> the command line,  /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or within the file
> /etc/ansible/hosts ?
The default for ansible (and for ssh) is to use the username that you
are logged in locally as.

> Is this not the function of the parameters ansible_ssh_user and
> ansible_sudo_user ?

ansible_ssh_user (in /etc/ansible/hosts or another inventory file)
overrides that, yes.

ansible_sudo_user specifies which user to sudo to once you've ssh'd
into the remote box.

> Should I not need to specify this:    ansible_ssh_user=foo  ?
> Even if I do not need this:               ansible_sudo_user=foo ?
In most people's environments they have the same username on all of
their boxes.  So those people don't need to set ansible_ssh_user.  If
you are using different usernames on the local and remote box then you
do need to set ansible_ssh_user so that ansible knows which account it
needs to ssh into on the remote machine.


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