
In one of my playbooks, I prompt for a value that, if specified as a 
string, will later be used in another play. However, I can't seem to find a 
consistent way to evaluate the truthiness/falsiness of the var. Here's a 
sample playbook:

- name: Test playbook.
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False

    - name: "test_var"
      prompt: "set a test var string"
      private: no
      default: ""

    # prints when test_var == ""
    # doesn't print when test_var == "a string"
    - debug: msg="I work as expected"
      when: not test_var

    # Doesn't run as expected per
    - debug: msg="I will never run"
      when: test_var | bool

    - debug: msg="I will never run either"
      when: "{{ test_var | bool }}"

    # I will fail if you don't enter a string
    - debug: msg="test_var is Truthy (no bool)"
      when: test_var

I think I understand the last task is failing because I'm not explicitly 
testing "test_var". However, I don't understand why the two bool tests 
consistently get skipped. My understanding is that the Jinja "when" syntax 
should pretty much follow Python logic, yes? e.g.:

>>> bool("")
>>> bool("a string")

Is there something I'm missing with regard to testing the 
truthiness/falsiness of a string? This is Ansible 1.8.2.

Many thanks,


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