Thanks for the hint Serge - you put me on the right track to the solution.

As you rightly said there was more needed in the yml file

Here is the working one.

- hosts: all
  sudo: yes
    - name: restart server
      command: /sbin/reboot
      async: 0
      poll: 0
      ignore_errors: true
    - name: wait for the server to restart
      local_action: wait_for host={{ inventory_hostname }}
      sudo: false 


On Wednesday, 4 March 2015 17:02:46 UTC, codfather wrote:
> After much googling I haven't found a solution to this. I want to reboot a 
> single server from a group of servers in my hosts file. This is being done 
> on OSX, with ansible 1.8.
> Playbook:
> - name: restart server
>   command: /sbin/reboot
> - name: wait for the server to restart
>   local_action:
>     module: wait_for
>       host={{ inventory_hostname }}
>       port=22
>       delay=1
>       timeout=300
>     sudo: false
> The command being run:
> ansible-playbook -l <hostname-to-reboot> -i ~/ansible_hosts 
> ~/ans-reboot.yml --ask-sudo-pass
> Here is the result:
> ERROR: command is not a legal parameter at this level in an Ansible 
> Playbook
> I have tried substiting the command: with shell: with no improvement.
> I have also looked at the following site which seems to suggestion I'm on 
> the right track:
> So any pointers and tips gratefully received.
> Nick

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