
I'm getting the following error when running my task. For some reason 
Ansible is complaining about >= characters, but it is ok with <= characters 
in the same file. I tried single quotes and double quotes around the 
characters but it causes other errors. Files and error message are as 
follows: Thank you for your help.

ERROR: Syntax Error while loading YAML script, 
Note: The error may actually appear before this position: line 14, column 
20 metric: NetworkIn comparison: >= ^ 


# -----------------------------------------------------
# AWS CloudWatch Alarms
# -----------------------------------------------------
- include_vars: ec2-alarms.yml
- debug: var=ec2-alarms
- name: ec2-alarms
  with_items: ec2-alarms
    module: ec2_metric_alarm
    state: present
    region: "{{ item.region }}"
    name: "{{ item.region }}-{{ item.name }}-{{ item.metric 
}}-instanceId-{{ item.instanceId }}"
    metric: "{{ item.metric }}"
    namespace: "AWS/EC2"
    statistic: Average
    comparison: "{{ item.comparison }}"
    threshold: "{{ item.threshold }}"
    period: 300
    evaluation_periods: 1
    unit: "{{ item.unit }}"
    description: ""
    dimensions: {"InstanceId":"{{ item.instanceId }}"}
    alarm_actions: ["{{ item.alarm }}"]
  tags: alarm

- name: ec2-ebs-alarms
    module: ec2_metric_alarm
    state: present
    region: "{{ item.region }}"
    name: "{{ item.region }}-{{ item.name }}-{{ item.metric }}-volumeId-{{ 
item.volumeId }}"
    metric: "{{ item.metric }}"
    namespace: "AWS/EBS"
    statistic: Average
    comparison: "{{ item.comparison }}"
    threshold: "{{ item.threshold }}"
    period: "{{ item.period }}"
    evaluation_periods: 1
    unit: "{{ item.unit }}"
    description: ""
    dimensions: {"VolumeId":"{{ item.volumeId }}"}
    alarm_actions: ["{{ item.alarm }}"]
    - { name: 'chanakatest4', region: 'us-west-2', metric: 'VolumeReadOps', 
comparison: '>=', threshold: '1350', period: '3600', unit: 'None', 
volumeId: 'vol-69907266', alarm: 
'arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:779200210943:sysalerts' }
    - { name: 'chanakatest5', region: 'us-west-2', metric: 
'VolumeWriteOps', comparison: '>=', threshold: '1350', period: '3600', 
unit: 'None', volumeId: 'vol-69907266', alarm: 
'arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:779200210943:sysalerts' }
  tags: alarm

ec2-alarms yml
    - name: chanakatest1
      region: ap-southeast-1
      metric: CPUUtilization
      comparison: <=
      threshold: 85.0
      unit: Percent
      instanceId: i-10ca18dd
      alarm: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-1:779200210943:chanakaalerts
    - name: chanakatest2
      region: ap-southeast-1
      metric: NetworkIn
      comparison: >=
      threshold: 8000000000
      unit: Bytes
      instanceId: i-10ca18dd
      alarm: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-1:779200210943:chanakaalerts
    - name: chanakatest3
      region: ap-southeast-1
      metric: NetworkOut
      comparison: >=
      threshold: 8000000000
      unit: Bytes
      instanceId: i-10ca18dd
      alarm: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-1:779200210943:chanakaalerts

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