
I've googled high and low for an answer but keep going down rabbit holes 
with no obvious solution.  This seems like the right place to ask.  I'm 
guessing this behavior is a "feature" of ansible and there's not a 

I have the following playbook excerpt:

- name: Harden Linux Hosts
  gather_facts: True
  hosts: Harden
  sudo: yes
  remote_user: "{{ remote_user }}"
    - { role: myRole.hardenLinux }

In the role's main.yml are series of tasks like

- name: "V-38653 The snmpd service must not use a default password."
    - snmpd
    - severity_high
  include: V-38653.yml

And in that playbook
  # Presence of the default SNMP password enables querying of different
  # system aspects and could result in unauthorized knowledge of the system.
- name: "Check for the existence of the snmp.conf file"
  stat: path="snmpd_conf_{{ ansible_distribution }}"
  register: snmpd_st

- name: "Replace any instances where the community string is 'public'"
  replace: dest="snmpd_conf_{{ ansible_distribution }}" 
regexp='(^com2sec.*)public$' replace='\1{{ snmp_community }}' backup=yes
  when: not logonly and snmpd_st.stat.exists

When included in my playbook I'll see logged to stdout

PLAY [Harden Linux Hosts] 


ok: []

TASK: [myRole.hardenLinux | Check for the existence of the snmp.conf file] 

ok: []

TASK: [myRole.hardenLinux | Replace any instances where the community 
string is 'public'] *** 

skipping: []

********************************************************************               : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0  

 at no point is it logging *"V-38653 The snmpd service must not use a 
default password."*

You can probably see where this becomes difficult to troubleshoot tell 
where it's at in the execution of the main.yml. I had the logging I wanted 
when this was a playbook, where it would log

PLAY [ V-38653 The snmpd service must not use a default password ]

but role behavior is obviously different.  The tags are working right so it 
doesn't seem to be directly syntax related.  Am I just abusing roles in a 
way I shouldn't be?  Why would

Thanks in advance!


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