Apologies in advance here: I'm missing something fundamental.

I'm trying to do something pretty simple: I'm putting new code into a QA 
environment, and would like to remove old machines out of a elastic load 
balancer and substitute in new machines.  I have something that looks like:

# rotate.yml
# NOTE: Doesn't work.

- name: Remove all non-new hosts from the QA appserver load balancer
  hosts: tag_Env_qa:&tag_Role_appserver:!tag_Status_new
  connection: local
    region: ...
    appserver_elb: dev

  - name: Gathering ec2 facts
    action: ec2_facts

  - name: Remove each host from the ELB
    local_action: ec2_elb
      instance_id: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}"
      region:      "{{ region }}"
      ec2_elbs:    "{{ appserver_elb }}"
      state:       'absent'

ec2_elb is failing:  ansible_ec2_instance_id is undefined.  True enough, 
dumping all variables proves that it's not defined.  From the examples I've 
come across, it seems like this magic variable is getting set somewhere, 
but I'm not seeing where or how (I figured ec2_facts would do it).

I feel like it would be more direct to directly interrogate the ELB for 
it's members and then remove them.  I didn't find an obvious way to do 
that, so I went about it the other way (trying to leverage groups and 
tagging things as "new").

I'd also totally believe there is a far better way of getting the same 
basic result ("instantiate/rotate machines out of ELB"), and would be happy 
to hear them.


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