  I've tried to create an instance of elasticache, and when I've executed 
the script ansible has returned this

failed: [localhost] => {"failed": true}
> msg: Use of cache security groups is not permitted in this API version for 
> your account.
> FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

The last script that I've executed is 

- name: Create ElastiCache
>   elasticache:
>     name: "test-please-delete"
>     state: present
>     engine: memcached
>     cache_engine_version: 1.4.14
>     node_type: cache.m1.small
>     num_nodes: 1
>     cache_port: 11211
> #    cache_security_groups: cicciopasticcio
>     security_group_ids: ["{{sg_memcached}}"]
>     region: eu-west-1 

I've tried several combination of this script (also the example of ansible 
I've the ansible 1.9.1 and run on Mac OSX.

Thank you

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