It has always sort of bothered me that ansible does not have a generic 
'package' module that you then can tell it what 'provider' to use if you 
want to override the default like other tools such as puppet.

While doing some searching on the topic, I found this:

That issue asks about this same question and the core of the response seems 
to be the last part of the last sentence:
  "as you have to make exemptions so many times, it really causes problems 
down the road."

While I can somewhat understand this philosophy, it does not seem to been 
one that is internally consistent.  Take the 'service' module for example. 
 Services can require just as many exemptions as packages.  If this 
philosophy is really the sticking point, why don't we have 
'systemd_service', 'smf_service', 'upstart_service', etc.?

There may very well be a good explanation for the apparent inconsistency, 
but I am not seeing it.  Can anyone explain why these two things which seem 
very similar to me are treated very differently in ansible?

Would the ansible project be open to having a unified 'package' module?

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