Greetings, Ansiblites!

I'm attempting to write a role that uses the gluster_volume module. All is 
well right up until I try to specify an 'options' parameter. According to 
the documentation, I'm to use "a dictionary/hash with options/settings for 
the volume". The example given is as follows:

gluster_volume: state=present name=test1 options='{performance.cache-size: 
> 256MB}'

I've matched that syntax in my playbook, and all I get is a complaint from 
Ansible about quoting. I've tried just about every variation of quoting I 
can think of: single, double, double-double, escaped, etc.. The closest I 
(think) have gotten is by specifying the options as a variable, then 
single-quoting the expansion:

# file: group_vars/gluster_hosts
> ...
> options: { group: virt, storage.owner_uid: 36, storage.owner_gui: 36 }
> ...

> # file: roles/gluster/tasks/main.yml
> ...
>  gluster_volume: name={{ name }} options='{{ options }}' state=present
> ...

Even then, the result is:

msg: unable to evaluate dictionary for options

Can anyone shed some light on this? I'm at my wit's end.

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