Hi all,

I have the two following actions:

- name: Getting the IDs for the VMs running under the user
  sudo: True
  sudo_user: oneadmin
  shell: onevm list | grep {{ item.value.login_name }} |  awk 'BEGIN {FS=" 
"}{print $1}'
  with_dict: disable_users_account
  register: VMIDs_per_user
  ignore_errors: yes
    - delete_VMs

- name: Delete the VMs running under the user
  sudo: True
  sudo_user: oneadmin
  command: onevm delete {{ item.stdout }}
  with_items: VMIDs_per_user.results
    - delete_VMs

This is an output example from the the first action:


The problem is that the second action is not working due to the command 
expects to received just one argument per time, I mean, I need to execute:

onevm delete 674

onevm delete 675

And right now it is not working because it is executing: onevm delete 674 
675 , which it does not work because the command does not admit to pass 
more than one argument.

Therefore, my question is, do you know how to get item by item from the 
item.stdout so you can execute a command for each item on the item.stdout.

Thanks in advance,

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