I managed to fix this with these two tasks:

  - name: Find the path to the python interpreter
    command: which python
    register: pythonpath
    when: lookup('env', 'CI') == "true"

  - name: Set python interpreter path when in CI
    set_fact: ansible_python_interpreter={{ pythonpath.stdout }}
    when: lookup('env', 'CI') == "true"

You would take out the when statements as they are specific to my testing 

On Friday, August 2, 2013 at 9:52:32 AM UTC-5, Dan McKean wrote:
> I've been considering Ansible for creating our EC2 instances, and have run 
> into a problem with ansible not finding boto from either the command line 
> or a playbook.
> Here's the command line and response; the playbook is similar:
> ansible localhost -m ec2 -a "image=ami-0358ce33 instance_type=t1.micro 
> keypair=myKeypairName group=default wait=true"
> localhost | FAILED >> {
>     "failed": true,
>     "msg": "boto required for this module"
> }
> I'm running Ansible from an activated virtualenv.  Ansible was installed 
> with pip install ansible, and boto's installed as well in the venv (as well 
> as globally).
> If I activate the venv and open a command prompt, I can import boto 
> without any problem, and a boto.connect_ec2() succeeds (there is a ~/.boto 
> config file present).  Importing ansible and creating a Runner works 
> succeeds as well.  I'm running this on Mac OS X.
> Any suggestions on how to fix this?   Thanks!
> -- Dan

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