Ok the scenario is I want to reset a users password on a system, but only 
if the user already exists. I cant find anyway to do this with existing 
modules, so I have reverted to a playbook. I'm not sure if my approach is 
fundamentally wrong but i can't get it to work at the moment.  

I use this sample dictionary. The accounts dont exist on the remote test 
system, so the idea is the adduser task doesn't trigger. However if it did 
it would giving me the desired password reset.

# cat .userlist.yml
  crabtree: {}
  crabtree2: {}
  ut: {}
  uts: {}
  utsb: {}
    comment: ''
    group: crabtree
    groups: crabtree,ut,uts,utsb
    name: crabtree
    comment: ''
    group: crabtree2
    groups: crabtree2,ut,uts,utsb
    name: crabtree2

The following doesnt work as the variable structure doesnt really help

# cat //usr/local/scripts/ansible/playbooks/reset_password2.yml
- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  - ~/.userlist.yml

  - name: Is user on this system?
    action: shell grep ^{{ item.value.name }} /etc/passwd
    register: R_they
    with_dict: users
    changed_when: "R_they.rc == 0"
    failed_when: "R_they.rc > 255"

  - name: Reset Password
    action: user name={{ item.value.name }} state=present 
password={{item.value.password}} update_password=always 
    with_dict: users
    when: R_they.{{ item.value.name }}.rc == 0


looking at it the other way around and cycling through the results is fine 
and I can match fine and I get the skips when the account doesnt exist. 
What I cant figure yet is how to pull the data from the dictionary in the 
action statement as I cant use the with_dict option at the same time as 
looping the results

  - name: Reset Password
# ???? 
       action: user name=users['item.item.key']['name'] state=present 
password=users['item.item.key']['password']  update_password=always 

# ????
    with_items: R_they.results
    when: item.rc == 0

Can anyone give me any pointers please?

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