Hey, Brian.

I was using the "l" switch, thereby limiting the playbook run to a subset 
of servers.  In this case, there was no need for such limiting (and, in 
fact, it caused the playbook to work incorrectly).  How stupid of me.  So, 
allow me to post the entire playbook:



- hosts: admin2

  gather_facts: false

  sudo: yes



    - nagios: action=downtime minutes=20 author="Dimitri Yioulos" 
service=host host={{item}}

      with_items: "{{ groups['sqlservers'] }}"

      delegate_to: admin2


         - nagios_downtime

    - nagios: action=downtime minutes=20 author="Dimitri Yioulos" 
service=all host={{item}}

      with_items: "{{ groups['sqlservers'] }}"

      delegate_to: admin2


         - nagios_downtime


- hosts: sqlservers

  gather_facts: false



    - name: copy logoff script to servers

      win_copy: src=/etc/ansible/files/Logoff-Users.ps1 


         - copy_script

    - name: log off users

      raw: '@powershell c:\temp\Logoff-Users.ps1'


         - userlogoff

    - name: win update



      register: reboot_hint


         - update


- hosts: lyris

  gather_facts: false



    - name: check for Lyris service

      raw: sc query ListManager

      register: lyris_hint

      failed_when: lyris_hint.rc not in [0,1060] # 1060 == Service not 


         - lyris_stop

    - name: stop Lyris services

      win_service: name={{ item }} state=stopped start_mode=manual

      with_items: ["ListManager", "LyrisAlert"]

      when: lyris_hint.rc == 0 # ie, the ListManager service is installed


         - lyris_stop

    - name: kill LyrisConsole process

      raw: taskill /f /im LyrisConsole.exe


         - lyris_stop


- hosts: sqlservers

  gather_facts: false



    - name: reboot server

      raw: 'cmd /c shutdown /r /t 0'

      when: reboot_hint.reboot_required == true

As you can see, there are several things going on here: put servers in 
downtime in Nagios; put a remote user logout script on the servers, run the 
script, then apply Windows updates; stop a particular service, and stop a 
small program, on another set of servers (must be done; I'll skip the 
explanation) and, finally; reboot the servers if the installed updates 
require same.  Some of this is based on answers to previous questions I've 
posted (thanks, all, so much).  I'm not sure if it's the cleanest, or most 
elegant, way to do all of that stuff, but the playbook does work.  At the 
end of the day, that's what counts.


On Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 3:18:38 PM UTC-4, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> I'm creating a playbook to update, then reboot, a group of windows servers 
> (serversA).  Prior to reboot, however, I have to stop a couple of services 
> on another group of windows servers (serversB).  This is what I'd like to 
> happen when I run "ansible-playbook -l serversA playbook.yml":
> where playbook.yml:
> - hosts: *serversA*
>   gather_facts: false
>   tasks:
>     - name: win update
>       win_updates:
>         category: 
> ['SecurityUpdates','CriticalUpdates','Updates','Tools','DefinitionUpdates','UpdateRollups']
>       register: reboot_hint
> - hosts: *serversB*
>   gather_facts: false
>   tasks:
>     - name: check for XYZ service
>       raw: sc query XYZ
>       register: xyz_hint
>       failed_when: xyz_hint.rc not in [0,1060]
>     - name: stop XYZ and ABC services                   <-- if XYZ service 
> is installed, so is ABC
>       win_service: name={{ item }} state=stopped
>       with_items: ["XYZ", "ABC"]
>       when: xyz_hint.rc == 0
> - hosts: *serversA*
>   gather_facts: false
>   tasks:
>     - name: reboot server
>       raw: 'cmd /c shutdown /r /t 0'
>       when: reboot_hint.reboot_required == true
> Can I do this in a single playbook?  If not (or if this is set up 
> incorrectly, and I'm sure it is), then how?
> Thanks!

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