Thanks, Igor. This has been great. It sounds like you're saying I 
can't/shouldn't use an inventory file at all, but explicitly pass an extra 
var  for the environment. Rather than dropping conditionals everywhere I 
need env-specific values, is there any way to get Ansible to use that env 
value to automatically read variables from a file? Originally, it seemed 
like group_vars made the most sense, but if an inventory file doesn't make 
sense, I'm not sure group_vars make sense either.

Thanks again.

On Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 9:18:09 PM UTC-4, Igor Cicimov wrote:
> Well as I expected this might be little bit confusing to a beginner. So 
> basically the answer to your question was: tag the instances you create 
> based on the environment you are creating them in and then use that tag for 
> the configuration task(s).
> Which means you need to base the exact_count on the parameter you want to 
> group on, in this case the environment tag:
>     exact_count: "5"
>     count_tag:
>       Env: "prod"
> In this way when ever you run the creation playbook it will check if there 
> are exactly 5 instances with tag named Env and value of prod and if no will 
> create them and if yes will skip the creation task.
> There aren't any "tons" of input vars in my example, it is just the 
> environment tag name you want to run the playbook for. Very simple.
> For the configuration playbook as I said you just need to use:
> - hosts: tag_Env_<prod|staging|dev>
> to configure the ec2 instances you have created for the environment.
> Sorry I really don't know how to better explain this to a beginner. Don't 
> get discouraged though keep working and when you come back to this post in 
> couple of weeks when you master Ansible it will all be crystal clear :-)
> On Monday, October 26, 2015 at 5:51:09 AM UTC+11, Rob Wilkerson wrote:
>> I've been running this over in my head and I think I'm more confused than 
>> ever. I don't really care whether I specifically use dynamic inventory or 
>> any other specific technique. I care that my script is idempotent, 
>> reasonably simple to execute for any developer and somewhat consistent with 
>> Ansible recommendations. \
>> If I run the staging deployment, it should create any instances (to meet 
>> the exact_count) that don't exist, update any configuration deltas in those 
>> that do exist and then deploy any projects to those servers.
>> I guess the bottom line question is simply, what's the appropriate 
>> strategy to make this work? Within that context, I do still need variables 
>> specific to each group/environment so the question I asked Arbab still 
>> stands. I really don't want to force developers to drop a ton of "extra 
>> vars" when the deploy. I'd like to keep that command line execution as dead 
>> simple as possible:
>> # Run the deploy playbook against environment X
>> ansible-playbook -i staging deploy.yml
>> I really do appreciate the help with this. Learning Ansible has been 
>> fairly simple, but figuring out how to organize for a non-trivial 
>> infrastructure has definitely been a challenge.
>> On Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 2:50:21 AM UTC-4, Igor Cicimov wrote:
>>> Arbib is right, you will have to add them to a new group and use that in 
>>> the next play in the same playbook. I went overboard trying to simplify so 
>>> it does not confuse the beginner folk that might read this post.
>>> Anyway, the point is: in AWS the tags are very powerful in terms of 
>>> automation so tag everything and tag as much as possible and use that later 
>>> to your own advantage.
>>> On Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 12:31:29 PM UTC+11, Arbab Nazar wrote:
>>>>  Excellent method but you cannot use dynamic inventory group Ansible 
>>>> creates based on Tags:
>>>> - hosts: tag_Env_prod
>>>> ...
>>>> - hosts: tag_Env_dev
>>>> ...
>>>> - hosts: tag_Env_stage
>>>> ...
>>>> in the same playbook because it will give the create that group doesn't 
>>>> exist or no host inside the group instead you can use the add_host module. 
>>>> Thanks 

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