Can you please check this as well:

when: item.get('state', 'present') == 'present'

I am just sending this reply quickly without reading the whole question, 
but I think that will solve your problem.

For Reference, please check this role:

On Monday, November 16, 2015 at 2:38:05 PM UTC+5, Ralph Bolton wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion - Unfortunately it doesn't work for me :-( I get:
> TASK: [users | Create Unix users from the users.yml file] 
> ********************* 
> fatal: [ralph] => error while evaluating conditional: inventory_hostname 
> in item.value.access_to
> FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
> I tried this in the play:
>   - name: debug output
>     debug: msg="access to is {{item.access_to }}"
>     with_items: unix_users
> ...and got this as output:
>     "msg": "access to is ['dev_hosts', 'test_hosts', 'uat_hosts']"
> it's getting it, and even knows its a list of names. If I put the 
> hostname in the list it matches and we're all good - but I'd really rather 
> use Ansible host groups. I guess I need a way to 'eval()' the list so that 
> each of items in the list is looked up in groups[]. I tried to do this as a 
> template, and successfully made up the right sort of 'code' as text, but 
> then couldn't find a way to have it re-evaluated into actual data.
> I'm thinking I need to find a whole different way to do this, but can't 
> find any good advice on how I should approach the problem.
> Cheers,
> ...Ralph
> On Friday, 13 November 2015 18:24:18 UTC, Joanna Delaporte wrote:
>> Does the following work?
>>    when: "inventory_hostname in item.*value*.access_to"
>> I have used dicts a little for users, and that is how I reference details 
>> for users.
>> Joanna
>> On Friday, November 13, 2015 at 12:02:25 PM UTC-6, Ralph Bolton wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to manage a small number of Unix users on a smallish estate 
>>> of servers (~100 servers). My users are either devs, sysadmins or support, 
>>> and need different access to different boxes. I've got a nice way to give 
>>> them differing levels of sudo access, but now want to figure out how to 
>>> grant and revoke access to different boxes. Obviously, I've got a variety 
>>> of groups in my ansible hosts file, and I have a Yaml definition for my 
>>> users and groups.
>>> For example, the devs really only need access to the host groups 
>>> dev_servers and test_servers. However, let's say user Fred needs temporary 
>>> access to production, I'd like to add him to a group, run Ansible and then 
>>> let him do his work. When he's done, remove him from that group and then 
>>> run Ansible to revoke his access.
>>> So far, I have a vars/main.yml that looks something like:
>>> ---
>>> unix_groups:
>>>   - group: general
>>>     state: present
>>>     gid: 1500
>>> unix_users:
>>>    - user: fred
>>>      state: present
>>>      uid: 5000
>>>      group: general
>>>      root_access: restricted
>>>   - user: barney
>>>     state: present
>>>     uid: 5001
>>>     group: general
>>>     root_access: none
>>>   - user: wilma
>>>     state: present
>>>     uid: 5002
>>>     group: general
>>>     root_access: full
>>> ...and a tasks/main.yml that contains:
>>> - name: Pull in user/group variables from role_vars
>>>   include_vars: main.yml
>>> - name: Create Unix groups from the groups.yml file
>>>   action: group name={{ }} state={{ item.state }} gid={{ item
>>> .gid }}
>>>   with_items: unix_groups
>>> - name: Create Unix users from the users.yml file
>>>   action: user name={{ item.user }} state={{ item.state }} group={{ item
>>> .group | default(None) }} uid={{ item.uid | default(None) }} 
>>> shell=/bin/bash 
>>> expires=0
>>>   with_items: unix_users
>>> - name: Create sudoers file if the user is allowed root access
>>>   template: src=../templates/sudoers-{{ item.root_access|default(None) 
>>> }}.j2 dest=/etc/sudoers.d/{{ item.user }} owner=root group=root mode=
>>> 0440
>>>   when: item.state == "present" and (item.root_access|default(None) == 
>>> "full" or item.root_access|default(None) == "restricted")
>>>   with_items: unix_users
>>> - name: Revoke root access if user is not allowed it
>>>   file: dest=/etc/sudoers.d/{{ item.user }} state=absent
>>>   when: item.state != "present" or (item.root_access|default(None) != 
>>> "full" and item.root_access|default(None) != 'restricted')
>>>   with_items: unix_users
>>> All of this works nicely - if I were to set Wilma's root_access to 
>>> 'restricted' or 'none', then her sudo config would either change or be 
>>> removed entirely. Likewise, if I set her 'state' to 'absent' her account if 
>>> removed from the systems. This works nicely for all the hosts I apply this 
>>> role to (which at the moment is all of them). So far so good...
>>> Now I'd like to be able to add users to certain hosts (I'm guessing host 
>>> groups makes most sense). I tried adding something like
>>>     access_to: test_hosts, dev_hosts
>>> ...and
>>>     access_to:
>>>     - test_hosts
>>>     - dev_hosts
>>> vars/main.yml and then tried various permutations of "when" clause 
>>> in my user creation. For example:
>>>    when: "inventory_hostname in item.access_to"
>>> ...but nothing I've tried seems to work. I realise the normal pattern is 
>>> to apply a role to certain host groups, and so perhaps I need to apply 
>>> different roles to different groups and yet somehow supply them with my 
>>> single Yaml user definition. I'm not sure how I'd revoke access if I'm not 
>>> running against a group of hosts, but I'm sure I could figure something out 
>>> there.
>>> All this feels like I've made this a lot harder for myself than I should 
>>> have done. What's the "right" way to do this sort of thing? Any ideas if I 
>>> can make what I have work in some sensible way, or should I be reworking it 
>>> somehow else?
>>> Cheers,
>>> ...Ralph

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