have you tried ansible_nested (

Enter code here..---
- name: stuff
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
  connection: local

    l: [a,b,c]
    n: [1,2,3]

    - name: show nested
      debug: msg="[{{ item[0] }},{{ item[1] }}]"
        - l
        - n

results in:
TASK: [show nested] 
ok: [localhost] => (item=['a', 1]) => {
    "msg": "[a,1]"
ok: [localhost] => (item=['a', 2]) => {
    "msg": "[a,2]"
ok: [localhost] => (item=['a', 3]) => {
    "msg": "[a,3]"
ok: [localhost] => (item=['b', 1]) => {
    "msg": "[b,1]"
ok: [localhost] => (item=['b', 2]) => {
    "msg": "[b,2]"
ok: [localhost] => (item=['b', 3]) => {
    "msg": "[b,3]"
ok: [localhost] => (item=['c', 1]) => {
    "msg": "[c,1]"
ok: [localhost] => (item=['c', 2]) => {
    "msg": "[c,2]"
ok: [localhost] => (item=['c', 3]) => {
    "msg": "[c,3]"

On Monday, December 7, 2015 at 1:55:38 PM UTC-5, Chris Searle wrote:
> I get the feeling I'm missing something obvious - so feel free to tell me 
> so :)
> I seem to often want to do a combination of two lists - most often one 
> that is static and one that is dependent on the group.
> One example:
> I have a set of apache vhosts. So - I have a variable that has a list of 
> dicts - one per host. From that - I can create the htdocs dirs, log dirs, 
> the apache config files etc etc. This works fine.
> For apache I create the following directory structure per vhost:
> /srv/www/[fqdn]
> /srv/www/[fqdn]/htdocs
> /srv/www/[fqdn]/logs
> But - I also want to apply a standard set of extended attributes (using 
> acl) on the [fqdn], htdocs and logs dirs. So - for the standard set of 
> acl's I want to set - I have second (static) items list.
> I can't see how to apply each of the second list for each of the items in 
> the first list.
> Another example is managing a given list of four files for each of a set 
> of given directories - the files list is a static list, the directories 
> varies group to group.
> So - I was looking for something similar to with_together - but that 
> doesn't seem quite what I'm after.
> If I give with_together two lists like [a,b,c] and [1,2,3] I observe that 
> I get [a,1], [b,2] and [c,3].
> What I'm after is [a,1], [a,2], [a,3], [b,1], [b,2], [b,3], [c,1], [c,2] 
> and [c,3]
> What's the best way to approach this?
> Regards
> Chris

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