Thank you Mike for the reply!
One of my co-worker helped me out. Basically, I was using nested with_items 
in two playbook.
I have playbook1 running with_items to include playbook2 with tasks which 
also trying to use with_items, so it failed in the 2nd playbook which the 
with_items are not looping using new value, still using the items in 

Ansible team, is what I described correct? I think I may need to redo the 
playbook with with_nested see if I can make it work. 

On Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 8:16:05 AM UTC-8, Mike Biancaniello wrote:

> Not sure what you're doing wrong. Maybe it's the way you define 
> dev_interfaces (yeah, it makes no sense why it would work in debug, but not 
> in with_items, but sometimes that happens).
> This worked for me:
> ---
> - name: stuff
>   connection: local
>   gather_facts: no
>   hosts: localhost
>   vars:
>     dev_interfaces:
>       - subnet:
>         peer_addr:
>         name: Ethernet0
>         mask:
>         prefixlen: 31
>         addr:
>   tasks:
>     - debug: msg="{{ dev_interfaces[0].name }}"
>     - name: debug message interface name
>       debug: msg="{{}}"
>       with_items: "{{ dev_interfaces }}"
> output:
> PLAY [stuff] 
> ****************************************************************** 
> TASK: [debug msg="{{ dev_interfaces[0].name }}"] 
> ****************************** 
> ok: [localhost] => {
>     "msg": "Ethernet0"
> }
> TASK: [debug message interface name] 
> ****************************************** 
> ok: [localhost] => (item={'subnet': '', 'peer_addr': ''
> , 'name': 'Ethernet0', 'prefixlen': 31, 'mask': '', 'addr': 
> ''}) => {
>     "item": {
>         "addr": "", 
>         "mask": "", 
>         "name": "Ethernet0", 
>         "peer_addr": "", 
>         "prefixlen": 31, 
>         "subnet": ""
>     }, 
>     "msg": "Ethernet0"
> }
> ******************************************************************** 
> localhost                  : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=
> 0   

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