
I'm working on creating some provisioning code to create and delete stacks 
in EC2. So far I have four pieces of code which I'm working on

1. An ansible role which creates infrastructure like a VPC and security 
2. An ansible role which creates stack layers, the same code can be run 
multiple times with a layer name to make multiple layers of a stack
3. An ansible role which tears down stack layers, the same code can be run 
multiple times with a layer name to remove a particular layer
4. An ansible role which deletes infrastructure like the VPC and security 

I also am passive a variable to the stack creation called aws_environment 
which I can use to manage multiple stack at once (i.e. have a staging, 
development and production stack as different environment)

1 and 2 were more difficult than I an anticipated but I got working fairly 
well but I'm totally stuck on 3 and need some help.

I'm at a step in the 3rd role where I want to detach instances from the 
load balancer. I need to be able to generate a list of instances in the 
matrix of Environment X Layer, where Environment is passed as a variable to 
ansible-playbook and the layer name is a variable defined as layer_name for 
each call of the delete_layer role.

I need to then use that list to remove the instance from the ELB like so:

*- name: "{{ layer_name }} layer - Detach instance from ELB"*
*  local_action:*
*    module: ec2_elb*
*    state: absent*
*    region: "{{ aws_region }}"*
*    instance_id: "{{ item.id }}" <-- HOW DO I GET THIS*
*    ec2_elbs: "{{ layer_name }}" <-- The ELB for the layer is named the 
same as the layer itself*
*  with_items: **STUCK***
*  when: attach_elb == True*

Can I perhaps make a fact that I can then iterate over somehow?

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