Thanks, but that doesn't work.

E.g.: I used this slightly tweaked line:

- "{{ (ansible_distribution_major_version == 
'12')|ternary('silversearcher-ag', '') }}"

and if the condition is not true, then I get:

TASK: [Install apt packages] 
failed: [mt1-dummys101] => 
(item=build-essential,libyaml-dev,python2.7-dev,) => {"failed": true, 
"item": "build-essential,libyaml-dev,python2.7-dev,"}
msg: No package matching '' is available

It seems that for this kind of thing to work, there would either need to be:

- a way to tell with_items to not add the item at all (by using "omit" 
perhaps, which doesn't currently work in this context)
- "apt" module would ignore a blank string or other sentinel value like 

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