I agree that I'd like to be able to have roll contain a number of tasks and 
then have then selective run. A use-tags or play-tags option would be nice 
to use in that case. While you can certainly implement that with vars (see 
#2 below), it seems that a tags solution would be more elegant.

There are also times when you want to insert debug tasks but don't want 
them to play by default and don't want to have to remember to always send 
--skip-tags='debug' every time you run a playbook. 

However, for now, I work around this in two ways:

1. I write a python script that calls the playbook and it sets the tags for 

./run_playbook.py site.yml

would essentially run:

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml --skip-tags='debug'

or something to that effect.

2. I require an extra-var to *not* skip.

    - name: Show vars
      debug: msg={{item.ansible_facts}}
      with_items: some_loaded_vars.results
      tags: debug
      when: debug|default(false)


ansible-playbook site.yml -e '{"debug":true}'

would execute that task.

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