I forgot the solution. Here it is:

- name: Restore repositories
  synchronize: src="{{ item }}" dest="/home/git" 
  with_lines: find /home/git/ -maxdepth 1 -name "*.git" -type d
  become: no
  tags: restore

This will attempt a synchronize by executing the rsync as the user who 
executes the playbook. This works in my case.

If you want to change the identity of the user executing locally the rsync, 
you have to set become: yes, become_user: X where X is the new local user 
If switching the local user identity to X with su or sudo requires a 
password, you are doomed. Note that running the command as root which in 
principle should allow changing the local user identity without password 
didn't work. So I'm not fully sure if my current understanding is correct.

The command line parameter --ask-become-pass applies to the change of the 
remote user identity. There is currently no support for changing the local 
user identity. 

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